This team consists of elders, staff members, and church members at-large chosen by vote of the congregation at the annual meeting of the congregation each year. This committee functions under the authority of the Session, which has approved the Funds Committee Operating Policies and Procedures for management and disbursement of Funds dollars.

Memorial Gifts at First Presbyterian Church Livermore

Memorial offerings allow members of our church community and others to make lasting special contributions in memory of a loved one or to commemorate significant events. Such gifts go for purposes in ministry that are ‘permanent’ or as ‘permanent’ as possible. FPCL provides for two such funds: The Christian Heritage and Commemorative Funds. Memorial gifts are overseen by the Funds Committee selected by our congregation.

  • The Christian Heritage Fund represents the church endowment. We are growing this to a level where investment income will provide dollars to go toward furthering our future ministry. Principal dollars will remain in perpetuity, solely generating the spendable dollars for needs in ministry. Christian Heritage Funds are not expended to support the annual operating budget.
  • The Commemorative Fund holds dollars for ministry now. Donors may designate a use for their donations; these constitute ‘restricted funds’. Donors may choose to donate without designating a purpose for their use; these constitute ‘unrestricted funds’. Unrestricted funds are always eligible for expenditures that will enhance current efforts in ministry areas as decided by the Funds Committee.
Why are gifts given to the Memorial Fund?

To acknowledge someone's loss of a loved one or in gratitude for special events, such as a birthday or anniversary.

What are these gifts used for?

They serve to continue the enrichment of the service of the church, and funds are never used to support the annual operating budget.

Ways to contribute:
  • Bequests specifically written in Wills or Trusts.

  • Appreciated securities, or other assets-a living gift.

  • Several life income plans are available which guarantee the donor life income or annuity, reduce or eliminate various taxes and provide eventual benefit to FPCL.

  • Life insurance—name FPCL on a life policy

  • Memorial bricks—bearing the honoree’s name; placed in the memorial garden on the church campus

  • Retirement plan assets—FPCL named as beneficiary.

  • Bank or investment accounts signed over to FPCL.

  • Real estate or private property signed over to FPCL. 

 How to Donate 

NOTE: Under the supervision of the session, this team directs the investment and use of gifts given.

Frequently Asked Questions

This fund was formed in 2000 to permit members and friends of FPCL to create more value from their lifetime gifts and assets, and to thoughtfully consider and plan the distribution of family assets remaining when life is complete to provide financial support for FPCL ministries and facilities.

Donors wish to acknowledge and celebrate the life of a loved one; or in gratitude for special happenings such as a birth, a special birthday or anniversary, for instance. 

Certainly so. Donors may designate what they want their gift to commemorate and be used for.

At this time we are growing the CHF towards a point in the future when the CHF will be able to produce income such that can be used toward making lasting capital expenditures that support special ministry needs and capital improvements to the church facility. For example, building structural modifications over and above what is maintained by the annual budget might receive allocation from CHF.

Non-cash gifts of real estate, personal property, stocks and bonds may be retained in existing form or sold with proceeds reinvested or spent according to the established Operating Policies and Procedures of the Funds Committee. 

  • Donations to the Funds are maintained in accounts separate from the General Church Operating accounts. 
  • Both principal and earnings are held in low-risk investments in accordance with the approved Funds Committee Operating Policies and Procedures. 
  • The principal of endowment gifts to Christian Heritage Fund is maintained in perpetuity. 
  • Fund assets are invested consistent to Christian moral and ethical principles. 
  • Any non-cash assets that are not liquidated are managed by the Committee or its designee in accordance with a Session-approved plan. Such use is subject to the annual review of Session at its November meeting.

The Committee delegates detailed management of church funds to the same professional investment managers (SEI Fund Management) engaged by the Presbyterian Church USA.  Reasonable management expenses are paid from investment income and not from the General Church Budget. 

Christian Heritage Funds have been set aside for significant purposes outside the church expenses considered in the General Operating Budget. CHF funds are used after careful and prayerful consideration of long-term church ministry and facility needs presented to the Funds Committee. 

A donor may choose to designate a specific purpose for which the gift is intended. FPCL is obligated to honor the designation of such gifts so the intended purpose is fulfilled.  A donor may choose to not designate a purpose. Such funds are pooled with similarly undesignated gifts disbursed according to the judgement and discernment of the Funds Committee. 

A donor may choose to honor a loved one with a memorial brick placed around the courtyard fountain next to our sanctuary.  Also, a donor may designate their gift to a specific purpose, such as mortgage debt principal reduction. 

A donor may choose to designate First Presbyterian Church an estate distribution beneficiary to the Commemorative Fund, to allow the purposing the gift to be determined by the combined wisdom of Session.